We are excited to announce that we have yet another management change within Eide Chrysler: please join us in congratulating Dillon Seidler on his promotion to Finance Director!
Dillon joined our team at Eide Chrysler in November 2022, but has worked in the automotive industry since 2020, working in both finance and as an Accessories Manager.
“What I love about the automotive industry is that every day is different,” says Dillon. “It is fast paced and keeps you on your toes. Plus, I love to meet new people, and I get to work with new people every day.”
This promotion does not mean that Dillon will stop working with our customers, but it does mean he gets to do a lot more behind the scenes, helping with our customers’ experiences and our dealership run more smoothly.
“Working at Eide Chrysler has been amazing, and I am thankful to be able to take on this new leadership role. With our young staff, it creates a fun working environment, and we all get to learn and grow together. I am grateful to have a place to grow both personally and professionally.”
The Eide Automotive Group prides itself on developing our employees in their professional lives, being able to then promote our people from within. Dillon is our newest addition to our upper management team at Eide Chrysler, and he is extremely excited for this new opportunity, to become more of a leader not only within our Finance Department, but for our dealership as a whole.
“I would like to thank Don Pask for helping me to get to where I am today. Not only is he a great leader, but he’s a great friend. I have learned a lot from him about our industry, and how to help our dealership continue to grow.”
“We are super excited about Dillon’s promotion here at Eide Chrysler,” says Don Pask, General Manager. “He has shown great leadership and teamwork within the Finance Department, and we are excited to see what he can do leading his team.”
Thank you Dillon, for all you have done for our Finance and Sales Departments, and for our customers! We are excited for this new change for Eide Chrysler, and for Dillon and this next step in his career!